basement floor drain - basement drain backup

A basement floor drain backup is almost never caused by a clog in the basement floor drain itself. In every home, the basement floor drain connects to the master bleed line. Therefore, it's a primary sewer line clog that well-nigh almost always causes the floor drain to dorsum up. In fact, principal bleed line clogs crusade 99% of flooring bleed backups.

Liquids always accept the path of least resistance. Because the basement flooring drain is the lowest opening in the home's drainage arrangement, sewage and water coming up from the basement floor drain fill-in is a sign that your abode has a principal sewer line clog. And the potentially expensive water damage that results is a plumbing emergency that needs to exist dealt with immediately.

Table of Contents

  • What Causes a Primary Drain Clog?
    • 1. Tree Roots:
    • 2. Deteriorated Pipe:
      • a) Hydro Jetting
      • b) Pipe Lining & Replacement
    • three. Break or Separation in the Home Principal Drain Line
    • four. Bellies in The Principal Drain Line
    • 5. Abuse from Improper Flushing
  • Best Toilet Paper to Prevent a Basement Floor Drain Fill-in
  • This Toilet Paper Won't Clog Your Drains
  • Telephone call ane-Tom-Plumber

What Causes a Main Bleed Clog?

i. Tree Roots:

So, how practise tree roots get into the sewer line and crusade a main sewer line clog? Great question.

Trees are pretty incredible: Trees are pretty incredible: a tree can grow on the side of a cliff. What's not incredible is finding out that you take tree roots in your sewer line. Roots naturally grow towards whatever moisture. So, if there are any cracks or weak points in your drain line, roots will find their fashion in and cause a basement flooring bleed backup.

Hither's how to clean tree roots out of the main bleed line:

  • Cleaning your sewer line with a hydro jetter is always your all-time bet. The hydro jetter keeps the roots abroad for 5 to 7 years.
  • The auger is likewise a bang-up tool for removing roots from your dwelling house'due south sewer main. However, the auger doesn't get all of the roots out of the drain line. Because of this, they volition come up back much faster.
  • Roots can impairment the home'due south chief drain line. These roots can crack and eventually collapse a sewer line.
  • To learn more about tree roots in your pipes, cheque out our weblog on roots in a sewer line.
This picture shows what it looks like then a plumber uses a drain machine to remove roots from a sewer line.
This film shows what it looks like and then a plumber uses an auger to remove roots from a sewer line.

2. Deteriorated Piping:

Why does an old sewer main (main sewer drain) clog more often?

  • Your main drain has an expiration engagement but like annihilation else in your home (except dearest).
  • As it gets closer to that expiration engagement, you tin can feel more frequent main sewer line clogs and, therefore, more than basement flooring drain backups.
  • Over time, calibration and debris builds up on the inside of the pipe's walls. If the principal drain is made out of cast iron, it volition rust. As the inside walls of the pipe rust, the pipe becomes smaller and smaller. This decreases the amount of liquid that tin can flow through the pipe.
  • If the main drain is given more than it can handle, the liquid will upward upward through the basement floor drain.
  • The rust and build-up on the inside of the pipe is extremely rough. And then anything soft, like toilet paper, has the possibility of getting defenseless on the piping's walls, kind of similar Velcro.

What are the solutions to fix, supercede, or clean out a deteriorated pipe that'southward causing a primary sewer line clog?

a) Hydro Jetting

  • A hydro jet is a piece of plumbing equipment (designed specifically for drain clearing and cleaning) that uses loftier-pressure water to blast the scale, rush, and other debris off of the main drain's walls.
  • The high volume of water helps flush all of the gunk and nastiness out of the main drain line, eliminating your problem with basement floor bleed backups.
  • One time the piping has been cleared, your emergency plumbing and bleed specialist volition also apply his or her equipment to clean the inside of the pipe's walls.

b) Pipage Lining & Replacement

  • Pipe lining – or trenchless sewer replacement – is a expert mode to supervene upon the pipage without digging.
  • This is a great solution when digging is not feasible or desired by the property possessor.
  • Keep in mind, digging upwardly and replacing the piping is ordinarily less expensive than piping lining. However, it requires earthworks a large trench on the property.

3. Pause or Separation in the Home Chief Bleed Line

A pause or separation in the chief drain line is worst case scenario. This is by far the virtually expensive and requires a plush pipe lining or replacement. The cleaved section is the simply part that needs to exist replaced, merely many times homeowners will choose to supersede the entire line.

4. Bellies in The Main Bleed Line

A belly is a flat spot or dip in the main drain line. This can happen over time as the ground settles.

How do you fix a belly in a sewer line?

  • The only mode to ready a belly is to dig it upwards and replace it. This normally requires the use of a mini-excavator.
  • Routine preventative hydro jetting will not set the abdomen only can foreclose unexpected clogs and basement floor bleed backups. Many people choose to become this road (using hydro jetting for main sewer line maintenance) because information technology is much less expensive than a full sewer replacement.

v. Abuse from Improper Flushing

Mostly, abuse is something like flushing more materials (or the wrong items) than your main drain line can handle. It's the most common crusade of floor drain backups. Here are some tips to avert an unexpected clog:

  • Exist conscientious about what you flush down your toilets. Toilet paper and most non-corrosive liquids are okay. But never flush newspaper towels, baby wipes, and feminine hygiene products. They're simply as well thick to dissolve thoroughly and flow through your pipes.
  • Make certain little ones don't play in the toilet (hey, nosotros've all been in that location with our kids!). They'll oft dump toys and other plastic items into the toilet basin and flush.
  • Ironically, of the about mutual causes of flooring bleed and toilet bleed backups, toilet newspaper is the number 1 culprit of clogged drains.
  • Sure toilet papers are ameliorate than others and we strongly encourage you lot to choose your brand wisely. It can salvage you thousands of dollars downward the road.

Best Toilet Paper to Prevent a Basement Flooring Drain Fill-in

  • Scott i-Ply bath tissue is best for dissolving more efficiently and thoroughly in water. This makes your pipes less vulnerable to clogs.
  • If you absolutely need more cushion from your toilet paper, effort Affections Soft 2-Ply bath tissue. Non quite as expert as the Scott just it's much amend than near.
  • 100% recycled toilet paper is probably the most dissolvable bath tissue and therefore the safest for your pipes. If you don't mind spending a bit more per sheet to help with the environment, then a make like Seventh Generation is your best bet.
  • We do not recommend brands like Quilted Northern Ultra Plush or Cottonelle Ultra Comfort Intendance. These 2-Ply toilet papers do not dissolve well in water.
  • KEEP IN Heed: 1-Ply bath tissues will prevent clogging issues meliorate than 2-Ply bathroom tissues. Yet, it's up to you lot on how to balance your clogging issues with the usually improve condolement provided past a two-Ply bath tissue.

This Toilet Newspaper Won't Clog Your Drains

Hither are the toilet paper brands that are least likely to cause a drain backup or clog. Each of these is known to dissolve much more apace and thoroughly in water, while leaving little residual behind.

  • Scott 1-Ply
  • Seventh Generation 100% Recycled one-Ply
  • Seventh Generation 100% Recycled 2-Ply

And if y'all're a DIYer, you might besides want to look for these products:

  • SeeSnake Compact2 Video Inspection System
  • K-750 Drum Machine with 100 Foot Drain Cleaning Cable
  • ROOTX – 2lb. Jar with Funnel/Applicator

Call 1-Tom-Plumber

Don't hesitate to contact or call united states of america at 1-Tom-Plumber (1-866-758-6237). We will immediately handle whatever emergency plumbing, drain cleaning and bleed immigration, and h2o damage trouble, including excavation of underground h2o lines and sewer main lines.