
How To Repair Hard Wood Floors

ten Tips for Forest Floor Scratch Repair

Do you have ugly scratches in your wood floors? In many cases you tin brand those imperfections go away—or at least make them less visible. Hither are our best tips for wood floor scratch repair.

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dfh1_shutterstock_497543731 paint bucket brushes Efetova Anna/Shutterstock

How to Repair Scratched Woods: First, Empathise What Finish is On Your Floor

It'south important to outset by knowing what kind of finish is on your floor. Is your terminate oil or water based? Do you have a wax blanket? Is the forest varnished or stained? Is there an aluminum oxide coating? Know what the surface is made of and then you lot know how to get-go your wood flooring scratch repair. If you didn't install the flooring and aren't certain what blazon of finish it has, yous can bank check here for more details on identifying information technology.

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dfh2_shutterstock_653673736 clean the floor tommaso79/Shutterstock

How to Repair Scratched Woods: Clean the Problem Spot Thoroughly

Start past cleaning the entire surface area around the scratch. You will want to remove all traces of dust and grime on the flooring before you lot begin any other steps. Pay close attending to the inside of the crack itself, which should be totally free of clay, if possible. If you lot have a wax layer, apply a wax remover solution to articulate away the wax earlier yous begin the repair.

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dfh3_shutterstock_757525645 wood floor scratch repair cleaning cunaplus/Shutterstock

How to Repair Scratched Wood: For Small Scratches, Endeavor a DIY Solution

If you have a small, single scratch that's only noticeable when you get close (like a scratch caused by an excited pet) and your flooring has a relatively new stop, try a DIY home solution kickoff. Mix equal parts apple cider vinegar and olive oil in a minor cup, and dab the mixture into the scratch. Leave information technology for the rest of the day, and rub it out. This method ofttimes takes care of minor scratches.

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dfh4_shutterstock_706936648 wood floor samples blending pencil WHYFRAME/Shutterstock

How to Repair Scratched Wood: Darken the Scratch with a Blending Pencil

Blending pencils are specifically designed to fill in wood scratches that announced as lighter colored marks on the floor. Brand sure you pick the right color for your floor, and try this oftentimes-successful handling for small-scale scratches.

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dfh5_shutterstock_366760406 clean the wood floor finish restorer plantic/Shutterstock

How to Repair Scratched Forest: Use a Finish Restorer for Calorie-free Scratches

Terminate restorers are designed to help treat faded finishes or light scratches distributed across a wide area of your hardwood floors. These restorers tin be constructive treating modest scuffs, peculiarly if the wood itself has not been damaged

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dfh6_shutterstock_765254923 wood stain paint coat of finish Nick Vakhrushev/Shutterstock

How to Repair Scratched Forest: Treat Medium Scratches with a New Coat of Finish

If yous face medium scratches that show simply slight harm, you may be apply to apply a new coat of stop to the surface area without having to refinish the floor entirely. Make sure the finish matches the original as closely every bit possible. If the wood was stained just has no end, you may exist able to get similar wood floor scratch repair results by re-applying the stain to help hide the scratch.

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How to Repair Scratched Forest: Lots of Scratches? Sand and Refinish

If your flooring has noticeable scratches throughout, your best selection is to sand downward the floor and refinish information technology. A complete sanding removes scratches, but beware: This only works on real wood floors, not bamboo. If you have an engineered wood floor with a real wood surface, make sure the real wood surface is more than than 1mm thick—sanding normally takes at least this much forest off the surface, and then a thicker layer is required for a consummate sanding.

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dfh8_shutterstock_374356465 wood filler scratches gouges welzevoul/Shutterstock

How to Repair Scratched Wood: For Wide Gouges, Utilize Wood Filler

If the scratches in your wood flooring are actually more like gouges, your first step should be to use a forest filler to fill in the gaps before applying stain and finish. Here's our guide on how to properly utilise wood filler.

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dfh9_shutterstock_76877482 sanding down wood floor scratches and imperfections refinishing Steve Heap/Shutterstock

How to Repair Scratched Woods: Sand Down Imperfections

If your floorboards are showing signs of heavy impairment, they may have ridges and other uneven spots. Your all-time bet is to sand these downwardly to flatten your floor and avoid headaches in the future. Here's how to sand downwardly your floor. For major woods floor scratch repair you may take to rent a floor sander.

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dfh10_shutterstock_290457203 replace wood floor installation Levent Konuk/Shutterstock

How to Repair Scratched Woods: Patch or Supercede Badly Damaged Floorboards

If the harm to your floor is severe, you may demand to supplant the damaged floorboard(s) entirely. If you can't detect matching floorboards, you tin at least patch the affected area.


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